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A science-focused, more humane R interface to AWS.


Development version

# install.packages("pak")


Go to for sixtyfour package documentation. Go to the Get Started vignette to get started.

This package leans primarily on the packages paws and s3fs.

Bugs? Features?

Open an issue on our issue tracker.


  • See the targets in the Makefile for various package maintenance tasks.
  • For scanning for secrets see the make target scan_secrets in the Makefile.
  • We use minio for testing functions in this package (start with aws_bucket, and aws_file) for interacting with S3. See the make target minio_start for starting minio locally. The R-CMD-check workflow in .github/workflows/ includes spinning up minio for running unit tests - only on linux. If you run tests and minio is not available then tests that require it will be skipped.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the sixtyfour project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.